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Yoga the art of opening the tenth gate (dasam duar) the Crown Chakra

According to yoga physiology our “prana” the life force energy escapes the body through the nine openings to perceive the world and immerse the consciousness in duality. However, if one can open the tenth gate, he /she can achieve enlightenment. The tenth gate is at the top of our head at the crown chakra. When the frontal area of the brain is activated and supplied with large amounts of high grade of energy, there is an awakening to a higher state of consciousness, which is called the Oneness State.

tenth gate

But looking at the nine openings we also know there is a tenth. And the tenth opening in a baby is called the anterior fontanel. As the baby develops this soft spot of the head closes and the skull bones knit tightly together. So in yoga physiology, a tenth hole is there from birth, but it closes. The key is to have a spiritual practice which withdraws the prana from the openings and closes those nine gates. It has to be achieved so you can redirect the flow of life force energy to move upwards and unlock the tenth gate.

Crown chakra is the source of unlimited pure physical energy. Purification of the this chakra creates space in the lower physical body and activates the sahasara chakra. The detoxification of lower impure physical body and activation of higher sahasara chakra completes the circuit between the two and the energy starts to flow.

The steps to open the crown chakra are as follows:

First concentrate on your forehead (3rd eye area), then to your pineal gland and finally your crown chakra.

1. Breath in

2. Begin to exhale and chant AhhUuuMmmmmmmm… feel the vibration of mmmmmmm throughout the body.

3. Concentrate and feel the vibration in your 3rd eye

4. Concentrate and feel the vibration in your pineal gland

5. Concentrate and feel the vibration in your crown chakra

Some of the beneficial effects that will come on the way, by which you will know that you are progressing.

  • You will feel fresh and relaxed.
  • Experience a sense of inner peace.
  • Develop a cheerful and caring attitude.
  • Being able to focus on anything for longer period.
  • Being surprised at the clarity and depth of your understanding.
  • Finding the world more beautiful.


Prana Healing – Works

Anyone can learn Parana healing. It’s really very simple to learn.   Parana healing is not taught in the traditional sense. The innate ability to channel healing energy through thought is simply awakened through a series of initiations by a trained teacher called a Prana healing Master. These initiations, knows as “attunements”, align the energy centers in the body (the Chakras), facilitating the healing process. The Prana healing student also learns special  symbols that enhance the healing process. If you want to learn Prana healing, you can find a Prana healing Master in every city of the U.S. and in most every country in the world. You can even find DVD’s where Prana healing Masters pass on the attunements through your computer screen. There are several schools of Prana healing.

Prana Healing
Prana Healing

The traditional Indian prana healing medical discipline views injury, dysfunction and disease as manifesting when subtle energies are weak, distorted or out-of-balance. These subtle energies called “auric energies” surround our bodies while the “internal energies” are within our bodies. Both are unseen to the normal human eye as are bacteria and viruses. Prana healing, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hatha Yoga, Shiatsu, Radionics and herbal remedies are all means of optimizing subtle auric and internal energies.

The Movement of Prana

Prana moves with your breath and mind – these include your mental images, thoughts, sensations and emotions.  Keep in mind that the following variables work in a domino-like effect.  For example, a change in emotions can also change the thoughts and mental images of a person. When your mind is relaxed, your emotions will also be relaxed.

By breathing exercises, you can unlock, guide and control the flow of prana which will help you to stabilize your mind and body for meditation.

Only recently have Western scientists and proponents of traditional Western medicine considered the role  that subtle energies play in the functioning of the immune system. Triggered by new studies in Vibrational Medicine, which explores the relationship between matter and energy, western science is now acknowledging the common links between traditional Asian medicine and the science of modern Quantum Physics.

Religion and Spirituality

It’s heartening to know that Eastern medical practices are now beginning to look more scientific (and subsequently more acceptable) to the Western practitioner; however, Prana healing (like other Eastern practices), while not considered a system of religious beliefs, is not entirely devoid of a spiritual side. The name “Prana healing” actually means, “Spiritually guided life force energy”. The energy vibrations Prana healing accesses in the healing process come from the mysterious, unexplained energy that animates all living things. In addition, the colorful history of Prana healing includes a Buddhist monk, transcendental initiations and his experience with spontaneous healing.

But whatever one chooses to believe, the practice of Prana healing has been shown to heal individuals on four distinct levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Prana healing is a catalytic factor in personal evolution, no matter what beliefs are held. The experience of Prana healing is a vehicle to becoming conscious of your own being regardless of faith of concepts.