As the world comes together to celebrate International Yoga Day 2023, we embark on a journey that delves into the profound meaning of a sacred Sanskrit sloka composed by Sri Amit Ray. This eloquent verse encapsulates the essence of yoga, emphasizing unity, well-being, and inner peace.
Vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam – yoga jyoti namastute!
Let us explore the significance of this sloka in the context of International Yoga Day and how it inspires us to embrace the transformative power of yoga. Read More
Yoga is the art of self-challenge for higher evolution” is another great quote by Sri Amit Ray that encapsulates the essence of yoga practice. It highlights the idea that yoga is a physical practice with awareness, as well as a holistic practice that challenges us to grow and evolve on multiple levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ray said, “As a leader, you can face a plethora of challenging situations. Yoga principles can help you respond rather than react to those situations.”
The use of the word “art” suggests that yoga is not just a mechanical process, but something that requires awareness, creativity, dedication, and higher purpose. It also implies that there is no one “right” way to practice yoga, and that each individual can approach it in their own unique way. Another key role of yoga is challenge ourselves with higher goals to make a better society.
Yoga is the art of self challenge for higher evolution – Sri Amit Ray
Guruji Sri Amit Ray spent several years in deep samadhi in the Himalayas, during which he achieved the states of unconditional love, oneness with the cosmos, and lasting happiness through meditation. He realised the higher self and the nature of the mind, ultimately achieving the state of complete enlightenment. In 2005, Sri Amit Ray discovered the 114 chakras and gave the spiritual and scientific framework for that.
Presently, Guruji devotes his time to sharing his knowledge with anyone seeking to attain a higher level of enlightenment. His life and teachings serve as an inspiration for countless individuals around the world.
In his teachings, Guruji likened the body, mind, and soul to the canvas of love, peace, and compassion upon which we can create beautiful art works. According to him, in the new age of artificial intelligence and other technologies, yoga is the means through which we can create a better society, harness our creative potentials, and achieve greater spiritual growth and self-realization.
Furthermore, the idea that yoga is a means of self-challenge emphasizes the transformative nature of the practice. When we challenge ourselves physically, mentally, or emotionally through yoga, we are able to overcome our limitations and evolve into better versions of ourselves.
The Core Yoga Teachings of Sri Amit Ray
Sri Amit Ray’s core yoga teachings revolve around the principles of peace, compassion, and love for all living beings. He encourages us to open our hearts and embrace all members of our human family, especially those in need of assistance. These ancient principles have the potential to serve as a universal compass for people worldwide.
Guruji emphasized that our body, mind, and spirit are like open artistic media, waiting to be used to create beautiful paintings of human values, morality, care, decisiveness, creativity, and love. He believed that yoga is the key to unlocking these creative potentials.
By incorporating these teachings into our lives, we can become motivated to take action towards addressing systemic issues such as peace and security, development, and environmental protection. In order to achieve progress in these areas, we must transcend our limited self-interests and work together as members of a single global community.
Overall, this quote is a reminder that yoga is not just a means of achieving physical fitness or flexibility, but a path towards self-realization and personal growth. It encourages us to approach our yoga practice with intention and dedication, and to embrace the challenges that arise along the way.
Yoga for self-realization is a powerful practice that can help individuals to tap into their full potential and achieve a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. It encourages us to embrace the journey of self-discovery and to approach life with intention, compassion, and an open heart.
“Yoga is the artwork of awareness, on the canvas of body, mind, and soul,” is the famous quote by Sri Guru Amit Ray. According to him, yoga is a means of transforming the body, mind, and soul to a higher level. Yoga can improve your attention span, resilience, compassion, and relationships. Moreover, yoga can take you to the highest blessings of enlightenment.
Guruji Sri Amit Ray spent several years in deep samadhi in the Himalayas. Ray went into deep meditation, where he realized the higher self and the nature of mind. He achieved the state of unconditional love and lasting happiness—the state of complete enlightenment.
Now, Guruji spends his time sharing his knowledge with anyone who asks how they, too, can achieve the higher level of enlightenment. His life and words are inspiration for many across the world.
Canvas is a strong, heavy cloth that is used for making beautiful paintings and drawings. Here, Guruji explained that our body, mind and the soul are open place to make beautiful paintings and yoga is the way to do that.
Yoga is the art work of awareness on the canvas of body, mind, and soul – Amit Ray
Sri Amit Ray’s enlightenment
Guruji Sri Amit Ray spent several years in deep silence meditation in the Himalayas around 2004 to 2011. Around 2005, he discovered the 114 chakras in human body. Once, at the precise moment of full realization, all of the layers of conflicting emotions and fixed concepts disintegrated, and he had the opportunity to experience the complete realization. There was no longer any distinction in either time or space. He realized the layers of the cosmos and the ultimate truths of the universe.
Everything, from the recent past to the far future, came together into a single incandescent experience of intuitive ecstasy for long time. He spend several years in that deep ecstasy.
He transcended the limits of the time and space, and became the all-pervasive awareness. Through each and every cell in his body, he was aware of and comprised the entirety of everything. He attained the full enlightenment.
The Core Yoga Teachings of Sri Amit Ray
The message of peace, compassion, and love for all living beings that Sri Amit Ray conveys to us instructs us to open our hearts and welcome all members of our human family, especially those who are in need of assistance. These ancient principles of yoga have the potential to serve as a compass for people all throughout the world.
Guruji emphasized that our body, mind, and spirit are like open artistic media that may be used to create beautiful paintings of human values, and that yoga is the means by which this can be accomplished.
They have the potential to motivate our actions to address many of the more systemic concerns that are currently being faced by our world, including issues of peace and security, development, and the protection of our environment. In every one of these spheres, we are required to put aside our limited self-interests and think and behave as members of a single global community.
What exactly is meditation? How meditation can improve our consciousness? I have chosen 7 Meditation quotes of Sri Amit Ray to learn how meditation can help us to improve the quality of our life.
“Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your infinite nature.” – Amit Ray
“Your thoughts are your message to the world. Just as the rays are the messages of the Sun.” – Amit Ray
“Meditate, Visualize and Create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you.” – Amit Ray
“Meditation is realizing and expanding your inner beauty in every direction.” – Amit Ray
“Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within you.” – Amit Ray
“Life is a mystery- mystery of beauty, bliss and divinity. Meditation is the art of unfolding that mystery.” – Amit Ray
“When you touch the celestial in your heart, you will realize that the beauty of your soul is so pure, so vast and so devastating that you have no option but to merge with it. You have no option but to feel the rhythm of the universe in the rhythm of your heart.” – Amit Ray
“Discover your deep inner-self and from that place spread love in every direction.” – Amit Ray
“When the petals of the heart unfold fragrance spreads across the valley.” – Amit Ray
“Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air,new lights and new truths to enter.” – Amit Ray
“Life is a collection of moments. Mindfulness is beautification of the moments.” – Amit Ray
“Mindfulness is not the path of chasing. It is the path of beautification.” – Amit Ray
“At the core of your heart, you are perfect and pure. No one and nothing can alter that.” – Amit Ray
“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.” – Amit Ray
“The easiest way to get touch with this universal power is through silent Prayer. Shut your eyes, shut your mouth, and open your heart. This is the golden rule of prayer. Prayer should be soundless words coming forth from the centre of your heart filled with love.” – Amit Ray
This article describes six powerful ways for Aura cleansing. It describes how light, fragrance, herbs, mud, music and meditations cleanse your aura. Even simple practice of these six techniques can bring huge positive energy into your life. Use your time, energy, and vitality wisely. But if your aura is disturbing you cannot use your energy effectively. Here we describe how you can clear your aura and develop peace, tranquility and prosperity in life.
1. Aura Cleansing with Fragrance
Scents blending flowers, wild herbs and woods are the easiest way for aura cleansing. A sudden waft of fragrance can invigorate or relax, can stir emotions or bring back happiness. Turn your life into a symphony of olfactory delights. Focus on your breath and visualize the healing power of the fragrance is taking over.
2. Aura Cleansing with Herbs
Anyone can be effected by lower energies, especially during times of high-stress and transition. Sometimes we attract, receive and absorb lower energies from people or in our environment. However, herbs has the power to protect us. Basil, Rosemary and Neem Leaves are the proven protector and aura cleanser.
Basil for aura cleansing:
The Basil deva (plant spirit) is a protector of family, and burning basil oil will help to relieve negativity from the home. It l creates a sympathetic vibration and is often worn to assist in clashes with other people. Basil stimulates the conscious mind to invoke happiness.
Rosemary for aura cleansing:
Rosemary was traditionally burned in Greek temples as an offering to the goddesses and gods. Rosemary oil, when burned, emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations, and is used to rid a place of negativity. Rosemary is most commonly known as a symbol of remembrance and is an aid to strengthen and fortify the memory. Rosemary is also associated with; friendship, passion; increasing mental powers; preventing nightmares and sleep.
Burn Neem Leaves for Aura cleansing:
If you want to remove the negative energy from your home and wish to communicate positive energy then for two days in a week, burn neem leaves in the house. It will destroy the negative energies.
Burn Cedar Leaves for Aura cleansing:
Burning cedar is a symbolic way to clear the space of their lingering energy. Cedar destroys the negative energies.
3. Music for Aura cleansing:
Listen to good music. Musics is good source of positive energy. Music is the easy way for aura cleansing. Drum music is very common for aura cleansing. If you don’t have a drum at home, don’t fret. Youtube has many videos of good music. Find one that you like and start playing that in the background while you work.
4. Light for Aura Cleansing:
Light is not only protective but most effective for generating positive energy. Slow down your thoughts, become aware of your breath. Use creative visualization of white light for protection and your imagination to your advantage.
5. Appreciate your Beauty
Appreciate your own beauty to clean your aura. Everyone has to feel beautiful for what they are — their own authenticity and inner beauty. You don’t have to follow stereotypes of beauty. You feel beautiful because you love yourself. You are different from everyone else and so you want to appreciate your individuality
6. Meditation for Aura Cleansing:
“Meditation is the way for nursing and blossoming the divine within you.” – Amit Ray
The eight step meditations for aura cleansing are as follows:
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to help you concentrate.
Feel the energy deep inside of you; imagine it growing with every breath you take until it fills you up from your toes to the crown of your head.
Focus on your breath, hear your heart beating and feel the ground beneath your feet, and begin to breathe from your stomach. Place your hands on your stomach and feel it rise and fall as you breathe.
Relax your stomach and let any tension flow out and down your legs, and into the earth. Become centred in your body, feel your legs, your lower body open and send all the tension you carry downwards and to the floor. Stay doing this for a while until you really feel that you are in a place of stillness.
Bring your awareness to your heart. Visualize it – is it closed or open? Is it small or large? What colour is it? Breathe into your heart and imagine the colours getting stronger, expanding in size and it opening. It is radiating love, like sunbeams.
Imagine that the sunbeams radiating out of your heart are stretching out of your body and filling your body with love and light.
When you are ready, let all the images dissolve slowly and come back into your space of love. Bring yourself back into your body, breathing slowly. Feel your arms, your legs, your feet in your shoes, feel that you are here, in your physical body, connected to the ground.
When you are ready, open your eyes.
The higher your vibration, the more powerful your energy healing will be. Aura cleansing clears your mind and space, even the simple act of peaceful breathing, will bring more flow and energy into your life!
International Yoga Day is a community conscious event featuring, fun and flowing yoga, posture classes, deep relaxation, yoga breathing, exciting kid’s games and social activities. One core process, which can be influenced by yoga practice, is our ability to observe our thoughts emotions and sensations without reacting to fix them, hide them or solve them. This awareness creates room for choice between impulse and our action.
The purpose of yoga day is to raise worldwide awareness of the many benefits of yoga. Yoga is an ancient, holistic approach to health and well-being that promotes harmony between individuals, their community, their natural environment and
the wider world.
Ancient yogis understood yoga as a complete lifestyle and world view that can help you to discover who you are as well as your relationship to the world and nature and as such can provide valuable insights into addressing environmental challenges and promoting peace in the individual, peace in communities and peace in the world. The sages of India understood that the outer can change by changing the inner, that the nature of our consciousness therefore affects the nature of our environment.
Yoga originated in the Indus Valley Civilization. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are widely regarded as the first compilation of the formal yoga philosophy. The Guru Granth Sahib states:
Listen “O Yogi, Nanak tells nothing but the truth. You must discipline your mind. The devotee must meditate on the Word Divine. It is His grace which brings about the union. He understands, he also sees. Good deeds help one merge into Divination.”
Yoga is an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment. Serving others is part of yoga and can give meaning to your life.
World is gearing up for the second International yoga day 2016. June 21 is knocking at the door. Throughout the world huge number of schools are taking part in the Yoga celebration.
In the US, thousands of yoga lovers are expected to take part in a mass yoga program at Times Square, New York. Indian Consulates in New York, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta and San Francisco have joined hands with local community organisations to celebrate the International Day of Yoga, A special celebration will also be held at the Kresge Auditorium of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge.
In the sky of yoga B. K. S. Iyengar is like a Sun. In the last few centuries no one has contributed so much for yoga than B. K. S. Iyengar. He brought yoga from the forest of philosophy to the drawing room. Yoga is no more abstract philosophical discussion of lazy moments. It is a hard workout with sweating. Today, yoga is no more a philosophy; it is a hard core science. Yoga is used today as medicine. B. K. S. Iyengar purified this ancient science and made it useful for the modern world. He emphasized the importance of physical well-being for spiritual development.
He spread the interest of yoga in the west over half-century. Here is seven inspirations from the fundamentals of his teachings.
“Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed. To a yogi, freedom implies not being battered by the dualities of life.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
“It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
“Asanas maintain the strength and health of the body, without which little progress can be made. Asanas keep the body in harmony with nature.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
“We must create a marriage between the awareness of the body and that of the mind. When two parties do not cooperate, there is unhappiness on both sides.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
“The physical body is not only a temple for our soul, but the means by which we embark on the inward journey toward the core.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
“We are a little piece of continual change, looking at an infinite quantity of continual change.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar
We all know yoga increases flexibility and reduces stress. Yoga aims to build a well-balanced lifestyle. Yoga engages the mind with the body. Yoga practice results in changes in gene expression that boost immunity at a cellular level. Benefits of stretching your muscles are equally important to a busy mum or a stressed-out executive. Researchers observed that eight weeks of daily yoga significantly improved sleep quality for people with insomnia. Yoga is ideal for all ages and stages.
Here, ten top yoga quotes on life, practice, and the path to turn the moments for renewed yoga interest. Find inspiration and wisdom by enjoying my favorite yogic quotes.
Yoga means addition – addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul. — Amit Ray
Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul. — Amit Ray
Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements. Once you understand the grammar of yoga; you can write your poetry of movements. — Amit Ray
Yoga is not just repetition of few postures – it is more about the exploration and discovery of the subtle energies of life. — Amit Ray
Yoga is bringing fitness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life. — Amit Ray
Beautify your inner dialogue. Beautify your inner world with love light and compassion. Life will be beautiful. — Amit Ray
Your thoughts are your message to the world. Just as the rays are the messages of the Sun. — Amit Ray
There are many goals but one path – the path of compassion. — Amit Ray
Yoga is the art work of awareness on the canvas of body, mind, and soul. — Amit Ray
Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind. — Amit Ray