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Yoga for Weight Loss

When your metabolic rate decreases you may lead to weight gain. Now what is metabolism or metabolic rate? It is the rate at which our body will use energy, better known as burning calories. If your body can burn calories faster then there is no excessive weight gain. Now the more you exercise, the better gets your metabolism. And with a higher metabolism you will burn calories more efficiently.

Psychologists believe that people who experience a sense of insecurity, which may be due to real or imagined threats, may find comfort and protection in food. This results in food cravings and emotional indulge eating.

Take 30 – 60 minutes of free hand yoga exercise per day to stay healthy.

Take Yoga foods:

Food is the first thing you need to watch. Take Yoga foods.  Take the fruits and vegetables that are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

Set your yoga weight loss target

Your weight loss goals should not simply be to lose weight. Weight loss is not an exercise you have to do once and then forget about it. A successful weight loss is when you manage to lose weight by changing your lifestyle and eating habits and not by just saving calories and making calculations. Eating healthy should become your second nature and exercising should become your daily friend. So, instead of just setting arithmetic goals concentrate on how to change your lifestyle to match a healthier living.

Separate eating from your other emotions

A lot of people have associated eating with their emotions. It is very common for people to eat because they are feeling stress, anxiety, depression, anger etc. This is a bad and very unhealthy habit. Usually the food you eat when in this state is unhealthy and full of fats and calories. You need to realize that food is not the medicine for your emotions. Food is a pleasure and a way to provide your body with the energy it needs to function properly. If you want to lose weight then you should seriously consider this situation and disassociate food with emotions.

Cobra Pose : Lie on your stomach. Place your hands facing down on the floor beside your ears. Supporting your weight on your palms, push up and raise the chest, looking up towards the ceiling. Breathe in while rising, and hold your breath in that position for 10 seconds. Come down to the original position while breathing out. Practice eight times.

cobra posture
cobra posture

Long Salutation Pose: Kneel down with your buttocks resting on your heels and your toes pointing forward. With your palms together, extend your arms up vertically next to your ears. Slowly bring your arms and head down as one, first bending your neck, then the whole upper body, until your fingers hit the floor, keeping your buttocks on your heels all the time. Now stretch out with your forehead and nose resting on the floor. Breathe out as you go down, and stay there with your breath held out for 8 seconds. Then rise up breathing in. Practice eight times.

Yoga relaxation:

Using the same blanket as for asanas, lie on your back with your arms by your side, making sure that your breathing is calm and relaxed. Now go through your whole body, starting at your feet, consciously making sure that each part is completely relaxed – with no muscular tension at all. Go from the feet up the legs, consciously checking each part, into the groin area, into the abdomen (also feeling that your internal organs are relaxed), into the chest and shoulders, from the fingers and hands up the arms, then into the neck and up into the face, relaxing the facial muscles, including the eyes, and finally to the top of the head, feeling that your brain is also relaxed. Check once more that you are breathing calmly, and stay like that – fully relaxed – for a few more minutes.
Yoga relaxation is especially important for those who do a lot of mental work. Do it as often as you like throughout the day. Whenever you feel mentally fatigued, even just a couple of minutes can be enough to rejuvenate and revive you.

Common Yoga postures  for weight loss:

  • Paschimottanasana
  • Ardhakapotasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Ardhasarvangasana
  • Virabhadrasana

Dance Yoga

Dance yoga is a marvelously unified and dynamic composition expressing the rhythm and harmony of life.  There are hundreds of  dances  such as kathak, garba, Bhangra and special dances observed in regional festivals.  However, yoga dances are slightly different. You are your own master. Let your body mind and soul dance together. You are your own judge.
Dance Yoga
Dance Yoga
There are several  benefits of dance yoga:
* improve and maintain mobility

* to build and improve confidence

* to learn and develop new skills

* to help and improve coordination

* to help and maintain weight control

* develop, learn and maintain communicating skills

* removes the blockages and provides enjoyment.

The requirements for dance yoga are:

Devotion — This is a grace. To willingly submit ourselves to Allah/God in Whom we live, and move, and have our being. Hypocrisy may be the only sin. How wonderful it is when we actually feel like bowing in humility before the eternal truth. These dances can be worship: the celebration of the Divine Presence.

Watch your Breath — Breath is life. Breath is movement. Voice is breath. Let breath breathe. Return to awareness of breath in silence between dances. Notice the subtle changes in breath with each dance.

Listen — Don’t simply recite the sacred phrase. Listen to the other voices. Listen to the person directing the dance. When you listen, your voice automatically begin to harmonize. Find the center of the sound.

Feel — The dances are designed to take us more and more into the universe of feeling. Stay with your feeling. If you go off into the world of thoughts, don’t judge yourself; simply bring your concentration back to feeling. The heart center, found in the middle of the chest, is the natural place to begin.

Ecstasy — These dances can lead to states of ecstasy. Joyously invigorating! In dances where you are brought to the center of the circle, especially soar. But soar with your whole being. Taste all planes at the same time. If your feet are grounded on the earth, then your head can be in the heavens.

Amin (ah-meen) — These mean “so be it”. We say this at the conclusion of many dances. (Other phrases such as the Sanskrit Svaha, or the Native American Ho, are also used. The important thing is not to say it, but to mean it, to affirm with one’s whole being.

Silence — There may be a silent meditation before the dance starts… As the sound and music of the dance stop, enter the Silence. This is your opportunity to hear what has been created. In this silence one can absorb the qualities evoked during the dance. This is the most important part of the dance. It becomes all-encompassing.

Microcosmic Orbit Yoga

Microcosmic Orbit Yoga

The meridians are the energy channels of our body. This is where energy or chi circulates. There are two primary meridians in our  body.  One flows up along the spine. Other one flows down the chest bisecting the belly button. These two meridians connect at the base of the spine and are connected by sealing mula bhanda. On the other end they are connected at the roof of the mouth and by pressing the tongue flat into the space behind the teeth. By connecting these meridians we stimulate energy to move and flow within us opening blocked areas and imbibing us with greater power.

Microcosmic Orbit Yoga
Microcosmic Orbit

Meditation is one of the Five Principles of Yoga. It is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind. It requires you to focus your mind at one point and stilling the mind in order to perceive the self. Through the practice of Meditation you will achieve a greater sense of purpose and strength of will. It also helps you achieve a clearer mind, improve your concentration, and discover the wisdom and tranquility within you.

Background of Microcosmic Orbit Yoga

This is the classic Taoist yoga method for refining, raising, and circulating internal energy via the ‘orbit’ formed by the ‘Governing Channel’ from perineum up to head and the Conception Channel from head back down to perineum. Activating the Microcosmic Orbit is a key step that leads to more advanced practices. Taoists believe that Microcosmic Orbit yoga fills the reservoirs of the Governing and Conception channels with energy, which is then distributed to all the major organ-energy meridians, thereby energizing the internal organs. It draws abundant energy up from the sacrum into the brain, thereby enhancing cerebral circulation of blood and stimulating secretions of vital neurochemicals. It is also the first stage for cultivating the ‘spiritual embryo’ or ‘golden elixir’ of immortality, a process that begins in the lower abdomen and culminates in the mid-brain. This is probably the best of all Taoist methods for cultivating health and longevity while also ‘opening the three passes’ to higher spiritual awareness.

Taoists often refer things in symbolic languages.  ‘Opening the Three Passes’ is another name for this yoga method and refers to the three critical junctions which pave the way for energy to travel up from the sacrum through the Governing Channel along the spine into the head.

The Practice of Microcosmic Orbit Yoga

1. The first step is to still the body, calm the mind, and regulate the breath. With this settled mind, sit alone in a quiet room, senses shut and eyelids lowered. Turn your attention within, and inwardly visualize a pocket of energy in the umbilical region; within it is a point of golden light, clear and bright, immaculately pure. Focus attention on the navel until you feel the ‘pocket of energy’ glowing in the umbilical region. The breath through your nose will naturally become light and subtle, going out and in evenly and finely, continuously and quietly, gradually becoming slighter and subtler. When the feeling is stable and the energy there is full, use your mind to guide energy down to the perineum and back up through the aperture in the coccyx.

2. Steadily visualize this true energy as being like a small snake gradually passing through the nine apertures of the coccyx. When you feel the energy has gone through this pass, visualize this true energy rising up to where the ribs meet the spine, then going through this pass and right on up to the Jade Pillow, the back of the brain.

3. Then imagine your true spirit in the Nirvana Chamber in the center of the brain, taking in the energy. When this true energy goes through the Jade Pillow, press the tongue against the palate. The head should move forward and tilt slightly upwards to help it. When you feel this true energy penetrating the Nirvana Chamber, this may feel hot or swollen. This means the pass has been cleared and the energy has reached the Nirvana Center.

4. Next, focus attention on the Celestial Eye between the eyebrows and draw energy forwards from the midbrain and out through the point between the brows. This may cause a tingling or throbbing sensation there. Then the center of the brows will throb – this means the Celestial Eye is about to open. Then move the spirit into the center of the brows and draw the true energy through the Celestial Eye. If you see the eighteen thousand pores and three hundred and sixty joints of the whole body explode open all at once, each joint parting three-tenths of an inch, this is evidence of the opening of the Celestial Eye. This is what is meant when it is said that when one pass opens all the passes open, and when one opening is cleared all the openings are cleared.

5. You may wish to stay and work with this point for a few minutes, before letting energy sink down through the palate and tongue into the throat to the heart. This may feel as though there is cool water going down the Multistoried Tower of the windpipe. Do not swallow; let it go down by itself, bathing the bronchial tubes. Then the vital energy will bathe the internal organs and then return to the genitals. This is what is called return to the root.

6. From the heart, draw it down through the Middle Elixir Field in the solar plexus, past the navel, and down into the Ocean of Energy reservoir in the Lower Elixir Field, where energy gathers, mixes, and is reserved for internal circulation. Then begin another cycle up through the coccyx to the mid-spine behind the heart and up past the Jade Pillow into the brain.

7. Breathe naturally with your abdomen, and don’t worry whether energy moves up or down on inhalation or exhalation; coordinate the flow of breath and energy in whatever manner suits you best. However, if you reach the stage where you can complete a full Microcosmic Orbit in a single breath, it’s best to raise energy up from coccyx to head on exhalation and draw it down from Upper to Lower Elixir Field on inhalation.

If you practice this way for a long time, eventually you can complete a whole cycle of ascent and descent in one visualization. If you can quietly practice this inner work continuously, whether walking, standing still, sitting, or lying down, then the vital energy will circulate within, and there will naturally be no problem of leakage. Chronic physical ailments, Taoists believe, will naturally disappear.

Also, once the inner energy is circulating, the breath will naturally become fine, and the true positive energy of heaven and earth will be inhaled by way of the breath and go down to join your own generative energy. The two energies will mix together, both to be circulated by you together, descending and ascending over and over, circulating up and down to replenish the depleted true energy in your body.

This true energy harmonizes and reforms, so that the vital fluids produced by the energy of daily life again produce true vitality. When true vitality is fully developed, it naturally produces true energy, and when true energy is fully developed it naturally produces our true spirit.

If you have any physical problems or discomforts in a particular section of your body, focus your energy at the pass closest to the discomfort and let it throb there for a while. This will help heal and rejuvenate the injured tissues. For example, if you have pelvic problems, focus energy on the coccyx pass; for lower-back pain focus on the lowest lumbar vertebra just above the sacrum; for upper-back and shoulder pain focus on the fifth thoracic vertebra, and so forth. This Meditation may also cause the head to rock or the body to tremble, which, Taoists believe, are signs of progress.

Reverse Your Aging Process

Till date there is no such real medicine to reduce your age. But scientist are optimistic. Scientist are hopeful that there are several ways to control the age. However, most of the anti-aging hormones available in the market are potentially dangerous.  You can’t relay on them.

Scientists found that telomeres are the reason for aging. Telomeres are the tips at the ends of our chromosomes that protect our DNA. They’re often compared to the little plastic caps at the end of shoelaces, keeping everything intact. Over time, as cells reproduce, our telomeres become shorter and shorter, until they become so stubby that the process stops. As this happens, we see signs of aging.

There are several tools to control our telomeres, to preserve them, and even lengthen them once they’ve been worn down. It all comes down to stress—or, more accurately, how we perceive and cope with stress.

How to reverse aging naturally?

The need to reverse or slow down aging is important in two regards – to keep ones skin healthy and looking youthful, but more importantly, it can help to extend the lifespan of a human being.

There are a host of products that claim, with or without much validity, to help reverse aging, but the best and a sure way to do it is through natural means.

Below are some ways you can help yourself to reverse the aging process.

Take Omega-3s

Among the growing list of the benefits of Omega-3s, we can now add something akin to a youth elixir. Not only do the fatty acids (found naturally in fish like salmon and sardines) protect our telomeres, but research suggests they actually help them grow—essentially, reversing the aging process. “It’s very preliminary, but it’s exciting because it suggests there may be a way you can manipulate cellular aging with simple supplements,” Dr. Ramin Farzaneh-Far, the scientist at USCF who discovered this power, told Singer. Also exciting: In another study, women who took multivitamins had longer telomeres than those who didn’t.

Dance with Joy

Dance as you like. Dance according to your own way. Studies suggest that dancing into old age—particularly in a choreographed sort of way—can work wonders for our minds and bodies. Along with the mental workout that comes from learning new steps and routines, the exercise builds both endurance and strength, and usually facilitates social interaction, giving us a multi-dimensional positive boost. Unless, of course, your two left feet stress you out.

Eliminate stress

Stress is an important factor in people aging quickly because it damages the part of DNA responsible for controlling aging of the cells. Research has shown that people who are chronically stressed because of various factors such as poor health, caring for terminally ill, etc, age much more quickly than people who are much more stress free.

Getting rid of stress

  • Regular exercise has been shown to relieve stress because the brain produces endomorphins, which helps to leave the body in a better state of mind and improve its well-being.
  • Try and get around 8 hours of sleep everyday. A lot of people suffer stress because of the lack of sleep in their daily routine. If possible, getting a short nap during the day can also help some of the work related stress that is common in most working people.
  • Try to find some activities that give you the most enjoyment in life and try and schedule them into your daily routine. It could be anything from playing video games for an hour or two, to taking out a new DVD, playing sports, or anything else for that matter. These help to relieve stress because they have the psychological effect of putting your mind into subconscious of a world without any worries and negative thoughts while participating in the activity. The positive effects it has lasts for hours afterwards too.
  • If you care for a terminally ill person, be sure to look after yourself too. If the burden is too big, you can perhaps get help from local public authorities in your area to help in some way. There is plenty of help for carers in Western countries. Also, you can still enjoy yourself while caring for someone by doing some fun activities in the home.

Sun damage

Facial skin damage caused by the sun is a big factor in the process of aging. The problem with this type of aging is that it is cosmetic and its there for everyone to see, there is no hiding it. The face can start developing wrinkles and start discolouring. However, it can be quite easy to avoid exposure to the harmful rays from the sun.

  • If you can, avoid going out in the early afternoon when the harmful effects are at its most potent.
  • Try and keep in the shade as much as possible when walking while the sun is at its strongest.
  • Do not sun tan. Apart from sun damage, you also risk the possibility of getting skin cancer.


Diet plays a great role in the process of aging. It can either expedite the process or help to slow it down. A bad diet high in fats and intoxicating foods can contribute in reducing acidic regulatory elements within the body.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol

These increase toxins in your body. A toxin slows down the body’s ability to process water efficiently and of course damaging cells. Some may find it difficult to give up either, so it is recommended that you consume them very moderately.

Calorie restricting dietrev1

A calorie restricting diet while maintaining the optimal calorie intake has been shown to improve the conditioning of the heart and has the potential to increase lifespan significantly. The diet would require cutting out bad fats such saturated fats and having a balanced protein, carbohydrate and fat diet.

The research carried out by scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine and published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. 398-402) had also shown blood pressure to be significantly lower in people following a balanced calorie restricting diet.

Multi vitamin

Vitamins are thought to be a good source of antioxidants that help to neutralise free radicals. These free radicals lead to aging because they damage cells.

Although you can get much of required vitamins from having a healthy diet containing lots of fruit and vegetables, you can supplement that source with a multivitamin pills. However, be careful not to overdose and only take the amount instructed.

High water intake

Make certain that you drink plenty of water every day. Water helps to neutralise acids in the body by eliminating toxins. This helps improve the efficiency of the body in disposing of waste such as urine and perspiration.

Of course, drinking plenty of water will also help to re-hydrate the body.


A regular regimen of aerobic activity and strength training is a great way to slow down aging or help to reverse it as it improves a body’s muscle tone that can take “years off” one’s appearance.

However, it is not just the cosmetic effects of exercise that should encourage people to schedule regular exercise in their lives, more importantly, biologically, exercise helps to improve the anatomical condition in many ways. Exercise helps to improve a human’s lung capacity significantly and helps to strengthen the bones, which reduce the risk of arthritic condition developing.

Women should not be afraid to lift weights

We are talking about relatively light weights here. There is no need to worry about developing “Manly” characteristics, lifting light weights, if anything, is much like a more intense form of aerobic activity. It will only help to firm up and tone the muscles, which of course also help the metabolic state of the body and helps to keep the body trim and lean. This is much more difficult to do with aerobic activity alone.

For older people, gentle aerobic activity is recommended because of the risk of injury doing intense aerobic exercises or weight training.

Stop smoking

Smoking adds to harmful toxins in the body. These toxins contribute to damaging cells.

Yoga the art of opening the tenth gate (dasam duar) the Crown Chakra

According to yoga physiology our “prana” the life force energy escapes the body through the nine openings to perceive the world and immerse the consciousness in duality. However, if one can open the tenth gate, he /she can achieve enlightenment. The tenth gate is at the top of our head at the crown chakra. When the frontal area of the brain is activated and supplied with large amounts of high grade of energy, there is an awakening to a higher state of consciousness, which is called the Oneness State.

tenth gate

But looking at the nine openings we also know there is a tenth. And the tenth opening in a baby is called the anterior fontanel. As the baby develops this soft spot of the head closes and the skull bones knit tightly together. So in yoga physiology, a tenth hole is there from birth, but it closes. The key is to have a spiritual practice which withdraws the prana from the openings and closes those nine gates. It has to be achieved so you can redirect the flow of life force energy to move upwards and unlock the tenth gate.

Crown chakra is the source of unlimited pure physical energy. Purification of the this chakra creates space in the lower physical body and activates the sahasara chakra. The detoxification of lower impure physical body and activation of higher sahasara chakra completes the circuit between the two and the energy starts to flow.

The steps to open the crown chakra are as follows:

First concentrate on your forehead (3rd eye area), then to your pineal gland and finally your crown chakra.

1. Breath in

2. Begin to exhale and chant AhhUuuMmmmmmmm… feel the vibration of mmmmmmm throughout the body.

3. Concentrate and feel the vibration in your 3rd eye

4. Concentrate and feel the vibration in your pineal gland

5. Concentrate and feel the vibration in your crown chakra

Some of the beneficial effects that will come on the way, by which you will know that you are progressing.

  • You will feel fresh and relaxed.
  • Experience a sense of inner peace.
  • Develop a cheerful and caring attitude.
  • Being able to focus on anything for longer period.
  • Being surprised at the clarity and depth of your understanding.
  • Finding the world more beautiful.


Kechari Mudra

When the tongue is folded back and into the cavity toward the skull touching the tip of the tongue to the uvula and eyes fix on the spot between the eyebrows, this is known as  khechari mudra.

khechari mudra
khechari mudra

Now, what means khechari mudra? Word khecari comes from the Sanskrit roots khe, “ether” or “space” and charya, “one who moves.” This “moving in the ether” has a double meaning, as the scripture quotes: the first refers to the fact that the tongue move in the hollow space inside the cavity of the pharynx, and the second refers to the fact that mind remains in a state of complete stillness and inner peace. Khecari mudra is also associated with amrita, the nectar of life can elect which is secreted by the bindu, a point on the posterior fontanel, which is consumed by the throat chakra vishudha. In khechari mudra, you don’t need to cut the  lower tendon of your tongue.

1 – There is no need to cut the “brake”  of  the tongue to perform this technique.

With the right practice and the continuing goal will be achieved without any risk;

2 – Sit in a meditative pose;

3 – Relax your body, close your eyes, directing them to the middle of the eyebrows. Leave your mouth slightly open and slowly lift your tongue back toward the hard palate and then to the empty area of the pharynx. Stay that way for as long as you can without discomfort;

4 – Breathe in slowly through your nose, resting in the sequence.

My yoga teacher said “USE THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION, THAT IS THE KEY TO  khechari mudra”.

Click here to know more about visual Kechari Mudra.

Prana Healing – Works

Anyone can learn Parana healing. It’s really very simple to learn.   Parana healing is not taught in the traditional sense. The innate ability to channel healing energy through thought is simply awakened through a series of initiations by a trained teacher called a Prana healing Master. These initiations, knows as “attunements”, align the energy centers in the body (the Chakras), facilitating the healing process. The Prana healing student also learns special  symbols that enhance the healing process. If you want to learn Prana healing, you can find a Prana healing Master in every city of the U.S. and in most every country in the world. You can even find DVD’s where Prana healing Masters pass on the attunements through your computer screen. There are several schools of Prana healing.

Prana Healing
Prana Healing

The traditional Indian prana healing medical discipline views injury, dysfunction and disease as manifesting when subtle energies are weak, distorted or out-of-balance. These subtle energies called “auric energies” surround our bodies while the “internal energies” are within our bodies. Both are unseen to the normal human eye as are bacteria and viruses. Prana healing, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hatha Yoga, Shiatsu, Radionics and herbal remedies are all means of optimizing subtle auric and internal energies.

The Movement of Prana

Prana moves with your breath and mind – these include your mental images, thoughts, sensations and emotions.  Keep in mind that the following variables work in a domino-like effect.  For example, a change in emotions can also change the thoughts and mental images of a person. When your mind is relaxed, your emotions will also be relaxed.

By breathing exercises, you can unlock, guide and control the flow of prana which will help you to stabilize your mind and body for meditation.

Only recently have Western scientists and proponents of traditional Western medicine considered the role  that subtle energies play in the functioning of the immune system. Triggered by new studies in Vibrational Medicine, which explores the relationship between matter and energy, western science is now acknowledging the common links between traditional Asian medicine and the science of modern Quantum Physics.

Religion and Spirituality

It’s heartening to know that Eastern medical practices are now beginning to look more scientific (and subsequently more acceptable) to the Western practitioner; however, Prana healing (like other Eastern practices), while not considered a system of religious beliefs, is not entirely devoid of a spiritual side. The name “Prana healing” actually means, “Spiritually guided life force energy”. The energy vibrations Prana healing accesses in the healing process come from the mysterious, unexplained energy that animates all living things. In addition, the colorful history of Prana healing includes a Buddhist monk, transcendental initiations and his experience with spontaneous healing.

But whatever one chooses to believe, the practice of Prana healing has been shown to heal individuals on four distinct levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Prana healing is a catalytic factor in personal evolution, no matter what beliefs are held. The experience of Prana healing is a vehicle to becoming conscious of your own being regardless of faith of concepts.

Kriya Yoga

Kriya yoga involves techniques of meditation that cause the energy or Prana to move in certain ways, to awaken the Kundalini, the coiled up energy at the base of the spine. Kriya yoga channelizes the energy forces in the Kundalini instead of merely controlling the mind. It is important that the Kundalini is activated through performance of asanas, practice of pranayama and making a conscious effort to guide this awakened energy in the spine and allowing it to immerse in the crown chakra.

You can do Kriya yoga on your own. You don’t need any teacher or Guru for that.  Only thing you should do the Kriya very slowly and in a very very relax manner. In the beginning don’t do many kriyas on the same day. Progress gradually, slowly and consistently.

The ultimate goal of Kriya yoga for begginers is to attain supreme consciousness through Navi Kriya, Yoni Mudra, Maha Mudra, Spinal breathing and 3rd Eye Meditation; it is a method to prevent fluctuations of the mind. The practice of kriya yoga cleanses and heal the mind and body. It uplifts the consciousness of the seeker. As most people live only on three levels of consciousness – material, egoistic and sensual – kriya yoga opens us to higher levels of consciousness. It teaches the seeker to locate the different centers of the spine and meditate on them, thereby transforming the consciousness.

Kriya Yoga involves concentration techniques to move energy in certain ways for the purpose of awakening dormant forces to be used along the evolutionary path. These forces are somewhat magical in their nature and should only be used by an adept for dharmic purposes, healing or helping others along the spiritual path. Other names by which this yoga is known are Kundalini yoga and Tantra. Knowledge about the energy centers known as Chakras are contained in this realm of yoga. Methods and techniques such as the kriya Yoga are used to move energy from the base of the spine to the mind to attain higher levels of consciousness.
There are five specific steps in kriya yoga.

  • Navi Kriya (or nabhi kriya) is done into Navi chakra in front – location as your navel – and Manipura chakra on your back. Note that manipura chakra is higher than navi chakra.
  • Tilt your head forward to touch your chin and repeat 25 OM just two inch below the navel.Then tilt your head back as comfortably as you can and and repeat 35 OM into manipura chakra.
  • You may perform some navel exercise before doing Kriya Yoga:

Kriya Yoga Naval Exercise

Kriya Yoga Techniques:

1st Kriya:

Nabhi Kriya:

The yogi should mentally slowly chant ‘Om’ 15 times,  concentrating just below the navel.

The yogi should mentally chant ‘Om’ 25 times, concentrating on the back of the navel.

The yogi should mentally chant ‘Om’ 35 times, concentrating at the back of the neck.

2nd Kriya :

The yogi should mentally chant ‘Om’ 15 times, along the imaginary tube of the spine, up and down.

The yogi should mentally chant ‘Om’ 35 times, concentrating on the point between the eyebrows.

3rd Kriya :

Maha Mudra:  Alternatively sit on your one foot, and try to touch your other toe.

4th Kriya:

3rd Eye Meditation: Imagine a circular light in the forehead. Very slowly do pranava japa along the circumference of the circle.  Do this for few minutes and feel the sensations on the forehead and then feel the sensations on whole body.

AH AHA AHOO Meditation in Daily Life

Hold the hands in a very prayerful mood and start a mantra ‘Ah… ah… ah’, loudly, but not very loudly. And move with that ‘Ah… ah… ah’; move with it. Do it for just five to seven minutes not more than that. Just before you go to sleep, sit in your bed and just bring the energy out.

Move very slowly, very gracefully; don’t become violent. That’s why I am saying not more than five or seven minutes, because if you do it more, you will become more and more agitated, and then the prayer will be lost.

After seven days, be in the same posture but change the sound ‘Ah’ to ‘Aha’. That will go still deeper — ‘Aha… aha… aha’. After fifteen days tell me how you are feeling. First ‘Ah’ for seven days, and the ‘Aha’ for seven days. The sound ‘Aha’ can give tremendous grace.

God happens as an ‘Aha’ experience. God is not a proposition but an exclamation. So you start. The energy is going very well. Prayer will be helpful… and this is your prayer, nothing else.

” After five minutes of saying ‘ah!’ then a further five minutes of saying ‘aha!’, add a further five minutes of ‘ahoo!’, saying …

The English language is acquainted with the two — ‘ah!’ and ‘aha!’ ‘Ahoo’ is not part of the English language, but that is the third step in the same series of sounds. It is a state of gratitude, of thanksgiving. ‘Ah’ creates silence, ‘Aha!’ creates joy, and ‘Ahoo’ starts giving thanks and expressing gratitude.

Use the same incense every night. That enters into your bio-memory and it starts triggering things. So just burn the same incense every night, and never bum that incense at other times, otherwise you will lose track. Let it be associated only with this meditation.

Source: ” Dance your way to God, Chapter 18 ” – Osho

Kundalini Kriya Yoga – Upward Love Energy Transformation

Kriya Yoga deals with the highest evolution of human. It deals with the finest form of love energy transformation. There is no secret in Kriya yoga. There are five important techniques, namely;
Nabhi Kriya, Spinal Breathing, Maha Mudra Exercise, Yoni Mudra and 3rd Eye Meditation.
You need to practice them regularly in a very very relax manner.

The upward and downward japa along the spine generates tremendous Love and the whole spine is spiritually magnetized. The Yogi becomes Love energy. The Sushumna channel in the spinal cord is the highway through which the Kundalini energy travels and the evolution of consciousness takes place. Kundalini is the Kinetic Energy remaining after the completion of the Universe. This residual bioelectric force lies as light/sound vibrations at the root of the spinal cord. To avail of it for one’s own evolution and realization is the birthright of every human soul.

In Kriya Yoga, Don’t be in a hurry, because if you are in a hurry you will have a lot of worries.

Never practise all the kriyas all together. In the past many people might say they have practised a number of kriyas at the same time. However, from more experiences and understanding of the kriya system, you should never practise all the kriyas together because it will be too powerful, too strong. Rather, combine them with the normal practices of asana and pranayama, concentration and relaxation.

Initailly, do the normal meditation. Then at the end add one or two kriyas to the daily practice. Practise the first three kriyas for one week. In the second week practice other two kriyas. In the third week combination of three kriyas.

Gradually go on building up your receptive ability, and at the same time balancing the awakening of energy with the normal sadhana practices.

Kriya Yoga Chakras
Kriya Yoga Chakras